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Yukon short yoke for Ford 9" with 28 spline pinion and a 1310 U/Joint size

Yukon yoke for Ford 9" with 28 spline pinion and a 1330 U/Joint size

Yukon yoke (short, for Daytona support), Ford 9", 28 spline, 1330 u-joint

Yukon short yoke for Ford 9" HD with 28 spline axles and a 1330 U/Joint size

Yukon forged yoke for Ford 9" with 28 spline pinion and a 1350 U/Joint size

Yukon yoke for Ford 9" with 35 spline pinion and a 1350 U/Joint size

Yukon flange yoke for Chrysler 9.25".

Yukon yoke for Chrysler 9.25" with a 7260 U/Joint size.

Yukon yoke for Chrysler 9.25" with a 7290 U/Joint size

Yukon yoke for '98 and newer GM 9.5" with a 1350 u-joint and triple lip design

Yukon yoke for GM 9.5" with a 1350 U/Joint size

Yukon flange yoke for Ford 9.75".

Yukon replacement yoke for Dana 44 with 10 spline and a 1310 U/Joint size

Yukon replacement yoke for Dana 30, 44, and 50 w/fine spline and 1310 u-joint

Yukon replacement yoke for Dana 30, 44, 50, and 300, 26 spline, 1310 u-joint

Yukon replacement yoke for Dana 30, 44, and 50 with 26 spline and 1350 u-joint

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